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Elevating Customer Engagement with LineAssurance 

Addressing Call Spam Labeling for Better Automotive Dealership Outreach

Building Trust in Every Call

LineAssurance transforms communication for automotive dealerships, making sure that every call reaches, creating an opportunity to strengthen customer trust. It detects and resolves spam-labeled call lines, ensuring your dealers connect with customers.  

More than 26% of calls from non-contacts in the U.S. are marked as spam.
8 out of 10 consumer don’t pick-up for a number they don’t recognize

The Challenge of Spam Call Barriers

The impacts of spam can’t be ignored — it presents a significant challenge to the previously simple task of outbound calling while also risking your dealership reputation.

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How It Works

LineAssurance identifies calls marked as spam and uses a verified method to address this, working with STIR/SHAKEN standards for thorough call management. This approach helps ensure your dealership’s calls are coming through as legitimate, increasing answer rates, facilitating smooth customer interactions. 

Benefits of Choosing LineAssurance for Your Dealership 

  • Spam Call Correction: identify and fix mislabeled call lines, ensuring clear customer communication.
  • STIR/SHAKEN Compliance: enhance call trust by fully integrating with these verification standards.
  • Insightful Oversight: offer detailed visibility and control over call reception and strategy with immediate data.
  • Reputation Updates: provides weekly call reputation insights, actively preventing and resolving incorrect spam labels.
LineAssurance build customer trust and increase answer rates
LineAssurance Graphic

“This latest addition to our capabilities is not just about filtering noise such as spam; it's about amplifying the voice of the dealership, ensuring that when you reach out, your customers are truly listening, and redefining how you engage with your customers.”

Ben ChodorCallRevu, Chief Executive Officer

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